The rare bluethroat robin

This bird has decided to spend Christmas in Scotland at the Loch of Strathbeg RSPB reserve instead of sunning himself in the Mediterranean. This Scandinavian bird is a close relative of our own robin redbreast.The birds are occasionally spotted in the British coast in spring but have been spotted here for the first time in December.
I cut down some branches from under a fir tree to make room for a planting bed. A little red-breasted robin hopped up from underneath and flew up to a higher branch on another tree. He spent the next 15 minutes scolding me. And rightly so. I had just exposed his home to marauding cats.
I left some food near by and a bowl of water.When he came down to drink he engaged in a song of delight. On seeing me imitate him he continued dancing for about 5 minutes. I need to get him a bird house in case he is still around.
Robin's cousin pays a Christmas visit
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