Black Eyed Susan
My Black Eyed Susan is dying.
The one pictured is an American wildflower common in North East America. Mine has smaller petals on smaller flowers and is a lovely rusty orange colour with black eyes. That is, it looks more like a Black Eyed Susan. I left my plant outside because the garden centre manager told me it would survive in a bomb site but I'm sure the frost got to it. It's a good thing that he moved to deeper Surrey, closer to the Surrey Downs. Anyway, I have come to love this plant and I've moved it under shelter. Some leaves don't look frost-bitten. I should take it to the garden centre to see if it really is frost and not some kind of virus.
I have noticed that the plant attracts a lot of butterflies. See here for details of the animals that shelter, feed and do other things with this plant. Oh, it appears that this plant is an annual or biennial, and not a perennial, as I thought.
Next years cascade will be trailing Nasturtiums, Black-eyed Susan and the yellow Canary Creeper grown from seed and planted out in May to last all summer long. This winter I'd extend the trellis fences. In summer, the cover is a requisite in order to make full use of the garden. With the amount of light we get in the northern hemisphere in winter it is just as well that the trees are bare otherwise it would be an altogether gloomier place. Learning to live along with nature cannot be beaten in some respects. In Austria, for instance, put the cars and the motorways aside and you are back in time a 100 or even 200 years. Though, inside the chalets there is every luxury imaginable. Austrians really know how to have a jolly time in winter. I have never been to an Austrian city so far and never to Austria in the summer. Salzburg and Vienna have been on my list for some years now. The cities love of classical music may finally take me there.Arena di Verona is also famous for it's open air performances of classical music.
Wonder what the US will do with it's million of tonnes of plutonium waste from production of defense weapons or the primary , secondary and low level wastes still being produced at Sellafield. Exhorbitant amounts of money are spent on defense systems, followed by health sytems and within these are placed business and personal life systems. Some radical thought spent at the first may avoid the sheer waste at the lower end. Ordinary people also share some of that responsibility. You only have to watch programs like Esther Rantzen's. Some ordinary people do extra-ordinary things. I don't think there's ever been another presenter, who shed so many humble tears over the valiant acts of ordinary people and children as young as two years, driven by their sheer belief in doing "the right thing".

The one pictured is an American wildflower common in North East America. Mine has smaller petals on smaller flowers and is a lovely rusty orange colour with black eyes. That is, it looks more like a Black Eyed Susan. I left my plant outside because the garden centre manager told me it would survive in a bomb site but I'm sure the frost got to it. It's a good thing that he moved to deeper Surrey, closer to the Surrey Downs. Anyway, I have come to love this plant and I've moved it under shelter. Some leaves don't look frost-bitten. I should take it to the garden centre to see if it really is frost and not some kind of virus.
I have noticed that the plant attracts a lot of butterflies. See here for details of the animals that shelter, feed and do other things with this plant. Oh, it appears that this plant is an annual or biennial, and not a perennial, as I thought.
Next years cascade will be trailing Nasturtiums, Black-eyed Susan and the yellow Canary Creeper grown from seed and planted out in May to last all summer long. This winter I'd extend the trellis fences. In summer, the cover is a requisite in order to make full use of the garden. With the amount of light we get in the northern hemisphere in winter it is just as well that the trees are bare otherwise it would be an altogether gloomier place. Learning to live along with nature cannot be beaten in some respects. In Austria, for instance, put the cars and the motorways aside and you are back in time a 100 or even 200 years. Though, inside the chalets there is every luxury imaginable. Austrians really know how to have a jolly time in winter. I have never been to an Austrian city so far and never to Austria in the summer. Salzburg and Vienna have been on my list for some years now. The cities love of classical music may finally take me there.Arena di Verona is also famous for it's open air performances of classical music.
Wonder what the US will do with it's million of tonnes of plutonium waste from production of defense weapons or the primary , secondary and low level wastes still being produced at Sellafield. Exhorbitant amounts of money are spent on defense systems, followed by health sytems and within these are placed business and personal life systems. Some radical thought spent at the first may avoid the sheer waste at the lower end. Ordinary people also share some of that responsibility. You only have to watch programs like Esther Rantzen's. Some ordinary people do extra-ordinary things. I don't think there's ever been another presenter, who shed so many humble tears over the valiant acts of ordinary people and children as young as two years, driven by their sheer belief in doing "the right thing".
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